“What I take away from my experience in the Brand Design class? I really enjoyed designing something with a real world application, this has really challenged me to create something that communicates effectively and looks good aesthetically.“
Zoya Schmitt

“For my brand design I chose to work with Sapori Fiorentini, a food festival here in Florence, the brand itself aims to promote local vendors and bring people to Florence to visit this cultural hotspot. Sapori Fiorentini translates to Flavors of Florence. I chose this name, because our food festival tries to capture the diverse flavors and variety that exist in Florence and the Tuscan region.
This assignment really kind of made my experience here in Florence a little bit more special. It was really fun to look into the Florentine brands that we have here, and events that have happened in the past and use that for inspiration when creating our designs.”
Zoya Schmitt
Works created in the courses: Brand Design
To learn more about Zoya, visit her website and follow her on Instagram

“For my brand I did an italian aperitivo cucumber and sage flavored soft drink that is non alcoholic. The name I chose is Cet’ari, where the first three letters are taken from Cetriolo, Italian for cucumber. For the logo and logo mark, I choose to add a sage leaf to represent the cucumber sage, the logo mark with the sage leaf added to it then also looks like a slice of cucumber.
I really enjoyed learning brand design and creating a brand because I used to have a brand, but I don’t think that I really connected all the dots to make it cohesive in the past, it was really nice to learn this.”
Harrison Rubis

Works created in the courses: Brand Design
To learn more about Harrison, visit his website and follow him on Instagram @harrisonrubis