Italian Language

LdM is one of Italy’s most prestigious Italian language institutions. The Italian Language Department has been dedicated to teaching Italian as a foreign language since 1973. The Institute offers a wide range of courses open for academic students with a passion for the Italian language and culture who want to further their academic study and professional aspirations.

By studying Italian at LdM, students will improve in all four language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. These skills are presented in context and emphasized by dramatization and role-play. With a small class size averaging around 12 students and the immersive learning environment, students can actively participate in the learning process.

In our more intensive offerings, students benefit from the presence of two teachers working in tandem in each class. The community of students at LdM can also take advantage of individual tutoring and special compensatory education measures for those with special educational needs from the Institute’s faculty, further enriching their experience of learning and living in Italy.

Italian language courses are organized following the international standard for language ability established by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, which follows a six-point scale: A1 being basic understanding to C2 which is mastery. At the beginning levels, the student learns simple language structures to effectively perform the tasks necessary for survival and simple interactions. In intermediate levels, the student develops autonomy in communication and a better mastery of the language structure. In the advanced levels, the more complex contents of the Italian language and culture, both historical and contemporary, are challenged. This ensures that the student reaches a higher level of competent fluency in written and spoken contexts. Each new language block is presented in context, thus giving students the opportunity to put into practice what they have just learned.

At LdM, the approach to learning Italian as a second language is via an action-oriented method. The goal is to help students develop the skills necessary to complete the tasks given within context, whether it be academic, private, public, or professional. 

The Italian courses aim for students to develop both general skills and in-depth knowledge of the language and culture of Italy, while learning of the linguistic and pragmatic aspects of the Italian language. Students also gain solid training in the humanities, of the critical thought and communication skills expected in higher education.

LdM stimulates students’ learning with cultural programs that enrich the students’ stay in Italy while fostering confidence in their newly acquired language. The activities include museum visits, cinema, and linguistic exchanges with Italian schools and universities.

Available Courses


ItL – Italian Language 3-CREDIT COURSES 

  • 3-Hour Italian Language Elementary I
  • 3-Hour Italian Language Elementary II
  • 3-Hour Italian Language Intermediate I
  • 3-Hour Italian Language Advanced I 
  • 3-Hour Italian Language Advanced II

ItL – Italian Language 4-CREDIT COURSES

  • 4-Hour Italian Language Elementary I
  • 4-Hour Italian Language Elementary II
  • 4-Hour Italian Language Intermediate I
  • 4-Hour Italian Language Intermediate II
  • 4-Hour Italian Language Advanced I
  • 4-Hour Italian Language Advanced II

ItL – Italian Language 6-CREDIT COURSES

  • 6-Hour Italian Language Elementary I and II
  • 6-Hour Italian Language Elementary II and Intermediate I
  • 6-Hour Italian Language Intermediate I and II
  • 6-Hour Italian Language Intermediate II and Advanced I
  • 6-Hour Italian Language Advanced I and II  


ItL – Italian Language 3-CREDIT COURSES

  • 3-Hour Italian Language Elementary I
  • 3-Hour Italian Language Elementary II
  • 3-Hour Italian Language Intermediate I
  • 3-Hour Italian Language Intermediate II
  • 3-Hour Italian Language Advanced I
  • 3-Hour Italian Language Advanced II

ItL – Italian Language 3-CREDIT COURSES

  • 4-Hour Italian Language Elementary I
  • 4-Hour Italian Language Elementary II
  • 4-Hour Italian Language Intermediate I
  • 4-Hour Italian Language Intermediate II
  • 4-Hour Italian Language Advanced I
  • 4-Hour Italian Language Advanced II

Consult the Academic Catalog or the Course Schedule for detailed descriptions.